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Achieving Agility
Through Visibility

Get real-time, synced data to drive
your every next step.

visibility dashboard

Expanding Your Reach, Informing Better Decisions

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    Real-Time Load Monitoring

    Save time leveraging load data automatically in every workflow
    where it’s needed.

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    Streamlined Decision-Making

    Increase productivity and reduce operational delays, making better decisions faster.

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    Managing & Reducing Risk

    Monitor risky driver behaviors and track cargo insurance claims and loss ratios.

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    Improving Performance

    Access key performance metrics to refine strategies and
    optimize operations.

Keeping Operations Agile

EKA’s high-performance, exception-driven platform is your route to transformed transportation management, from a world-class cybersecurity and data privacy company.

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    End-to-end Tracking

    From pick-up to delivery, all trading partners get real-time tracking for complete, continuous transparency in your load movements.

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    Flexible & Personalized Dashboards

    Customize your view with dashboards that help you manage day-to-day tasks, plus trends and metrics over any length of time.

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    Updates & Notifications

    Stay informed with real-time updates and notifications, so that you're always aware of the latest changes and can act accordingly.

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    Customer Order Visibility

    Improve customer satisfaction with transparent order tracking, enabling clients to monitor their freight throughout every step.